Company News

The Gathering of Matecel Products You Will See during Canton Fair Trade

Oct. 12, 2023

 The Gathering of Matecel Products You Will See during Canton Fair Trade

HPMC-Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose

HPMC finds extensive use in diverse industries, such as construction materials, ceramic extrusions, and personal-care products, enhancing your products through improved water retention, bonding ability, thickening effects, dispersion rate, and suspension, among other benefits.

The Gathering of Matecel Products You Will See during Canton Fair Trade


HEC-Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose

Matecel HEC products, water-soluble non-ionic polymers, serve various applications in painting and detergent applications. They easily dissolve in both cold and hot water, yielding crystal-clear solutions with adjustable viscosities. These efficient thickeners exhibit remarkable performance over a stable pH range, displaying high salt tolerance and compatibility with a wide range of surfactants for clear formulations.


When applied in painting and coating applications, HEC shows exceptional emulsification, dispersion rate, stability, and water retention. It significantly enhances the rheological properties of paintings and coatings across different shear rates, resulting in smoother leveling, excellent anti-peeling characteristics, and enhanced slip resistance for your products.


Feel Free to come to us anytime! You can find us at Booth No.17, 2D20 during the first phase, Oct.15 to Oct.19.

Looking forward to meeting with you.


Shijiazhuang Henggu Jianxin Cellulose Co., Ltd.

Chemical Industrial Park, Xinji City, Hebei Province, China Post Code: 052360

Copyright 2023 Shijiazhuang Henggu Jianxin Cellulose Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

+86 177 3691 6366

+86 311 8441 3388
